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"M: Filled with emptiness.
B: Satisfied with nothing."


       Kane’s non-linear, deeply poetic text, Crave, reveals a glimpse into the fragmented, dystopic world of four nameless characters.  Kane unravels the twisted tales these characters spin to distract, elude, seduce, and fulfill their unrelenting desires.  Crave is ultimately a love story, trapped in a whirlwind of miscommunication that exposes the complex dimensions of relationships: When is love a selfish act? How much of ourselves are we truly willing to give another? And how do we slip in and out of states of loneliness?  In a day and age when 200 000 


"A:  I love you still.
B:  Against my will."

people are members of a Facebook group entitled, “I really hate to live alone but its better than being hurt again and again” the questions Kane poses become fiercely relevant.       

       Wild Dream Theatre explores Sarah Kane’s Crave from a darkly humourous perspective. Through movement-based performance, the filth of dirt, and ritualistic cleanliness of water the actors explore the loneliest group of people in the world… those with the unfortunate affliction of always needing, desiring, and yearning for more.

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